30 December, 2005 

Greetings from the Little Parish of Big Foot-On-Sea

Greetings from a hot and fly infested Melbourne. What a dizzy time – with the flying nuns from Johannesburg having stuck to convention and upset many an apple cart in the local Produce Market, we are now witnessing an invasion by the Sydney Chapter last seen doing final checks to their trapeze equipment in anticipation of the New Year. Pictures of the reunion and requisite group hugs, prays and vigils for wine and bladder control, will shortly be available on a blogsite near you.

On a sadder note, shoe sources have for unforseen reasons dried up. With the prospect of seeing in the New Year dancing like Big Foot rather than Thumbelina, Sister Slav is praying fervently for intervention lest she have to resort to communion wine. In preparation, we may be forced to bring our annual Maypole dancing competition forward this year!

In the meantime, Happy New Year to one and all. May life’s challenges and fruit pickings continue in reach (or at least in rosary bead range), and our enemies forever downwind.

Aluta Continua
Sister Paulana

27 December, 2005 

Sister Saronga suspects Robert's youthful looks are the result of A FACE LIFT!

09 December, 2005 

Sydney Convent gets together to Celebrate sister Patsy's birthday!

Cheers Sisters, (sacremental wine of course) greetings from the Sydney Chapter of the sisterhood, thought you might like to see some pictures from he recent birthday celebrations, was a fabulous evening - As you can see by my attire i am sticking to my vow of poverty...Sister Davina on the other hand, well lets just let te pictures speak for themselves!

Oh The Fashions! Sister Davina kicked the habbit in favour of a much more fabulous party frock - you should have seen the shoes - lawd knows how many she was wearing at this point!....anyone else for a makeover....Pauly have you decided on your New Years Eve Attire?
lets just say that a good time was had by all! (but hours had to be spent on knees and several rosarys & acts of contrition completed to atone for it all)
Cheers darlings!

07 December, 2005 

Coooey.... Its only me!

Saints be praised, they finally over. I used my big magic marker and a little tongue action on the invigilator (I did not realise dentures actually stained yellow?!), and I should get the exam results in 2 weeks. In the meantime, much wailing of arms in the air like I just don't care, there is a fridge with my name on it....

Sister Roberta, there has also been a development. Sister Slav, courtesy of the worldwide web, stumbled on 0ur wee little Notice Board and feels she may now be able to attend March's festivities afterall. While we look into arranging a broom stick made for 2, please proceed with bookings for yourselves. Come heaven or light tsunami we will be there - its just not clear on the when and which Inn! Where is Sister Michella bedding down?

06 December, 2005 

Truly my sisters, it is a vision in white, a gift from the Gods to wet thine appetite. Gather closer and look into my ball - I foresee a door of this nature opening in Melbourne in less than 27 hours ...

Meanwhile elsewhere in the nunnery, Sister Roberta, having spoken to Sister Slav, she regrets but she won't be able to attend the March Festival. This Nun will therefore be travelling alone. In terms of a room, I am partial to something cheap and cheerful overlooking the vegetable garden. How many sisters travelling in your congregation?

Sister Michella - thank you for your salutation and birfday greetings. T's true, this gal is for turning, turning 23 on Friday. More reason to push that boat out with the communion wine! Onward and upward.


Sister, it may not be Kansas, but it is clearly Marlboro country .... strike a light and throw me a fag!


Aghh... remember those hazy days of summer....

... when we lost Sister Gertrude around the S-Bend ... well sue us, the 'ho was holding us back. Besides, what is they say about a herd of wilderbeast, you only as quick as your slowest member ... better pick up the pace on those looms dearies, Christmas is but 19 hangovers away!

03 December, 2005 

It ain't pretty. I am on my knees i tell you, on my scabby peasant woman knees. 4 more days until the sisterhood finals - the things they put a girl through just so that they can sign off correspondence with the letters "FoR" (Fellow of the Ring).
Will send you all the link on how to log on and load pictures etc. I must get back to my loom... I am still not much past Chapter 2: Fellatio. Aluta Continua, don't look into the light...

02 December, 2005 

Well Dear Sisters, it is building up to that "special' time of year again when we take a moment to review our habits, our patterns and areas to raise the loom standard.

In the meantime, a little flash back to March. How we laughed, how we cried .... how good we look on a ferry! Is it time for Phase 2?! In the meantime, happy FRIdgeDAY!


Sisters of the Inner Knitting Circle (SIKC), Team Building Day, Mar 2005
Copyright Mother Inferior, 2005


The Sydney and Melbourne Chapters + Guest Breeder, partaking in Communion, Nov 2005
Copyright Mother Inferior, 2005

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