25 February, 2006 

As Sister Roberta's plane came into view ...

the air was alive with the sound of bird shot, quickly laying to rest any lingering doubts that the Newtown Chapter harboured any resentment over last years Marmalade competition results!! Welcome Sister R.

18 February, 2006 

As Sister Mildred got on her knees to receive her happy pill.....

back at Melbourne headquarters, an eiry silence descended on the sisterhood.

My head, my head, my princessdom for pain relief. Got outrageously drunk with the Slav last night. Having swung rather precariously another fag hag around the dance floor by her feet and hair (becoming something of a spectator sport, the new midget throwing?) the rest of the evening comes back in a flashback of convulsions and gasps oh no, I didn't did I.

Slav got away with his self respect still in tact, retreating to sleep on a park bench when the communion wine got too much. I on the other hand was unstoppbable, down down competitions with Brother Gregory followed by entertaining the monks with the old wearing my underwear over my habit and head routine. Mother Superior has ordered a spirital retreat to the bedroom with the blinds closed. All pill donations glady received, and yes even of the garden headache type variety. Aluta Continua.

15 February, 2006 

Davy & Kurty are "Out & Proud" for Newtown Gym!

Step, step, forward, mambo. Pivot, spin, keep in line - be fabulous!! Be proud! Ahhh -So much to remember, so little time.
Only 17 days to go sisters - until we are unleashed on Oxford St to razzle & dazzle the assembled throngs.
Me thinks that one year the sisters will have to re-unite & enter ourselves (so to speak) in the grand parade. Just imagine an SHOKC float - how fabulous would that be. 2008 will be MG's 30th birthday - how about it ??? Knitting patterns, a fridge, lollipops, shoes - the possibilities are endless :-)
xxxx's from Davina

11 February, 2006 

Now in glorious technicolor....

I thought I had this photo somewhere and there it was, down amongst the vegetables; Sisters D and Speciak K, in communicado.

01 February, 2006 

... it was increasingly clear Sister Gertrude's net access needed to be monitored, when postings to "Well Hung and Restless" were traced back to her terminal.


There we were, back in NAM....."nuns a masticating"?

Was it really a month ago? What happened, Oh yeah, January did and wasn't that a waste of makeup! Well, we survived, some not the wiser, but we faked it nevertheless. Look-ee, Sisters from Jo'burg even....

Next, Mardi Gras. So girls, I trust patterns are in hand (Sister Davina's baton twirling aside), and that you have all found room at the Inn? We seem to be down an American and depending on when his new role starts, could be down a Slav as well. Where did I put that frisbee?

The quest for body beautiful has been kicked to touch. It is a young girl's game, and personally I would rather stick to knitting, baking buns and breaking wind on the couch. ANZAC anyone...?

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